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Girl on Girl Action 8/28/2007 10:07:00 PM | Jared Alessandroni Okay, so the consecration of Ms. Tracy Lind, (talks to God, likes chicks), could cause a schism, and I'm torn about the impact. See, our side of the church rocks about 1/3 of the ca$h that runs the worldwide church, but with far fewer members, so if we take our balls (and our ball on ball action) and go home, that leaves the Episco Disco in, say, everywhere else, up the poor creek. Poorer creek. Which is fine - a bunch of bigoted and angry fire-churches in Africa don't likey the gay people, have fun without roofs on your church. The truth is, hate-mongering and God go together like dick and... well, that's to taste - either way, I have no problem in being apart from these Evangelical-like homophobe backwards freaks. The bigger question is whether the complicated aid networks that the Episcopal Church USA sponsor in various places - as a truly progressive church they don't mix missionary with service - things like AIDS outreach, Malaria prevention, etc. are in jeopardy because of their partner churches abroad. My guess is that the schism won't happen anyway - it kind of requires too much inertia - but that there will be another like, signing statement on the side of our church that says in some weird, technical way that we recognize that some Anglicans might have differing readings on scripture and that we deeply respect their beliefs. This is what you get in a church where even God is kind of relative. (Religious scholars, and historians of me, see, this is where I get my God from. Or, used to. Even flamingly liberal churches still go for the inane idea that God is basically a bored guy who wants some lovin'. I'd rather take my chances believing in Craigslist. perma link |
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