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1/17/2006 11:37:00 PM | Justin More evidence that Charles Krauthammer is a moron blinded by ideology, in case you needed it (link) I thought I'd do a little survey of the latest neo-conservative talking points courtesy of Mr Krauthammer, and as usual, I was shocked by the latest discoveries they have made in the art of shamelessness and intellectually dishonest. Mr Krauthammer puts blame entirely on the europeans for the collapse of talks with Iran, without even bothering to mention Iraq. Could it be, Mr Krauthammer, that Iran is so ready to break off talks and return to nuclear brinkmanship because they know the war that you spearheaded in Iraq has utterly incapacitated U.S. military deterrence of every other country that could be a threat, including Iran? Could it be that Iran feels it needs nuclear weapons because of what happened to Iraq when it failed to acquire those weapons? If I were an Iranian dictator (imagine that), I'd see the quagmire in Iraq as perhaps the last opportunity to openly step up my country's nuclear program. If Mr Krauthammer were an Iranian dictator (more plausible), he'd doubtless see the situation the same way. But he's a neo-con pundit, and thus can only bury his commentary in delusional half-truths and smokescreen accusations of European diplomatic inadequacies. He laughs that Europe is scared out of its wits that Iran will cut off its oil if any real pressure is applied. Perhaps Mr Krauthammer should be a bit scared of this possibility too, rather than scoffing it, as if this problem wouldn't damage our economy as much. But, alas, neocons won't feel any pain if the domestic economy is stressed further by higher oil prices, because they only care about foreign policy. perma link |
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