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6/12/2005 01:54:00 AM | Niral Shah Now That The Genocide Is Over In a series of exchanges, mostly between myself and the Review's Nick Desai, we debated the point of activism. I'm going to assert that even the most kooky of stupid activist activites (I don't know, a fucking drum circle of justice) still does a part in preventing this: From The Onion: Well, I Guess That Genocide In Sudan Must've Worked Itself Out On Its Own I was pretty worried a year or so ago when the news came out that thousands of people had been indiscriminately slaughtered in Darfur. It was unsettling to hear that citizens of one ethnicity (Arab, maybe?) were systematically mass-murdering the population of some other ethnicity (Was it the Ganjaweeds? It's been so long since I've read their names!) But lately, the main stories in the news seem to be about Deep Throat, the new summer blockbusters, and something about stem cells. Since I'm sure I would have remembered if the U.S. had intervened in some way to stop it, I can only assume that the whole genocide-in-Darfur thing has somehow worked itself out. Well, that's good news then, isn't it? I also seem to recall that this genocide was causing a massive exodus of displaced refugees, with millions starving to death while attempting to flee to neighboring nations. Since I haven't seen any petitions or heard any emotional entreaties for somebody—anybody—to please, for God's sake, do something... Well, I'm gonna guess that the major humanitarian crisis must be over. And thank God, too! The whole situation sounded really awful..... (click for full text) perma link |
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