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7/31/2004 11:18:00 PM | Justin What I learned about John Kerry last night John Kerry is the only politician who is sufficiently trusted by the American people to be given the "night watch". I found undisputable proof of this last night in the number of people around me who inadvertently fell asleep listening to his speech. Upon questioning, these sleepers were all willing to give Kerry the benefit of the doubt, acknowledging readily that the man had made the "speech of his life", and that he had "far exceeded expectations". The expectation must have been that Kerry's initial words would not have inspired the confidence in this potential Commander In Chief necessary for viewers to sleep peacefully. By contrasts, I remember most of these viewers watching Bush's State Of The Union speech with eyes wide, biting their nails, almost terrified of what Bush might do or say next. Like Ann Coultier or Howard Stern, Bush tends to keep the listener transfixed, in anticipation of his next gaff. Kerry makes none of those attention-mongering gaffs, and is thus either dreadfully boring, or sufficiently trustworthy to be given the "night watch" over America. perma link |
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