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2/10/2004 12:09:00 PM | Timothy Buzzflooding Noah Riner writes: In December, the Rockefeller Center decided to go another direction with the Lifetime event after a fringe candidate announced he would attend the debate. The fact that the fringe candidate Lyndon LaRouche was invited to the debate was a collective mistake. Miscommunication between the College, student organizers and the Drum Major Institute resulted in a letter accidentally being sent from the College. None of the three parties deserves all the blame for this. Moreover, many solutions were proposed: change the date or venue, cancel and reschedule the event or stipulate that the media partner would only air the major candidates.A "collective mistake"? Notice the strange passive tense used here. This is obfuscation. A "collective mistake" is often another way of saying: we were disorganized OR we are not going to say who messed up. Some questions to be answered: Who sent out the letter to Larouche? Who had the idea in the first place? Who was responsible for checking the final invitation list? None of the these questions are answered. Also, when Riner speaks of "three parties" he says "the College, student organizers and the Drum Major Institute". One of those "three parties" is *not* the Rockefeller Center. There's no way anyone at Rocky would have invited or permitted an invitation to be sent to Lyndon LaRouche. Based on what I've heard so far, it makes perfect sense that Rocky would view such an invitation as evidence of Buzzflood's ineptness. If Buzzflood wants to say it was "a collective mistake"-- well, then it was collective ineptness on the part of two or more of those parties. Rocky, not unsensibly, then disassociated themselves from such ineptness, collective or otherwise. Update: If you haven't seen them, The Dartmouth Review has an editorial here, and an report on events surrounding the cancelled Buzzflood debate here. (Hmm... The Review has quite a "dignified" Indian on the top of their webpage.) Alston prints a further insult here. perma link |
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