Free Dartmouth
1/03/2004 04:17:00 PM | Timothy

Bigots on the right? links to a column by Matt Grills, who says: "I have no doubt Howard Dean believes in Jesus. But whose Jesus?" Ok. But it seems Grills' Jesus is against intermarriage and in favor of forcing religion on other people.
His wife and children are Jewish. Cool. But I have to wonder: if Howie’s faith in Jesus Christ is so important to him, why didn’t he marry someone with the same faith? Why didn’t he insist on raising his children in that faith? Say it with me, on three: because what faith Howard Dean has in Jesus isn’t central to his life.
For those of you who don't know, Dean and his wife agreed that the children would choose their own faith. They chose Judaism. I'm sure Grills would prefer the old method whereby the husband dictates to the wife how the children are raised. I can see why Grills would want his kids raised Christian. But would Grills say that Dean should not fall in love with his wife because of her religion? A good Christian would never marry a Jew? Or that Jesus could not be important to his life if he married someone of a different religion? Or that once married, Dean as a man had to take charge and ensure his kids were raised Christian? I guess so.

Update: Blogger Michale Totten writes:
I won’t vote for Howard Dean either. But I can tell already that if he does win the presidency I’ll spend a great deal of time defending him, too. I’ll even get pulled into his camp (happily, I might add) if he does a good job. Dean opens himself up to a great deal of criticism with his crazy pop-off remarks. His opponents don’t do themselves any favors, though, if they can’t figure out what his actual problems are.

Here is Cal Thomas, Fox News regular, in the Washington Times...

Mr. Dean´s wife is Jewish and his two children are being raised Jewish, which is strange at best, considering the two faiths take a distinctly different view of Jesus.

What’s strange at best is that Cal Thomas even mentions this in the first place. I’d like to know what wouldn’t be “strange,” considering the makeup of Howard Dean’s family. Are Christians automatically entitled to come out ahead of Jews in religious disputes? Are part-Jewish children supposed to ignore half their heritage? I’ll be charitable and assume that’s what he’s getting at, although that in itself means he has some explaining to do. Christian supremacy isn’t the endearing quality that it used to be. The only other explanation is that Mr. Thomas thinks Howard Dean shouldn’t have married a Jew in the first place.


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