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10/24/2003 05:48:00 PM | Brad Plumer So who's the real anti-Semite? Over at Armavirumque Stefan Beck is digging up all sorts of attacks on Paul Krugman's supposed anti-Semitism. Stefan, of course, claims Krugman's article was worse than Mel Gibson's "The Passion." But it looks like God himself sees things a little differently: Actor Jim Caviezel, who plays Jesus in Mel Gibson's controversial film "The Passion of Christ" was struck by lightning during shooting. Caviezel was uninjured, but a producer described how he saw smoke coming from the actor's ear.Point: Waligore. perma link |
10/23/2003 07:47:00 PM | Timothy Atrios on the Saudis If the Moonie Times (and drudge) is to be believed, Pakistan is going to give Saudi some nukes. If you were SA what would you do? The only deterrence to preemption is having the thing it's trying to preempt.There is a problem of incentives here.... perma link |
10/23/2003 06:51:00 PM | Timothy Susan Estrich, Rape, and Arnold Slate has an article about 'mainstream feminist' law professor Susan Estrich: Interesting, important and provocative questions. I remember questioning Estrich when she came to Dartmouth for right after Juanita Broderick. I couldn't understand why she defended Clinton on the basis that she knew him and knew he wouldn't need to do that. Overall I liked the Slate article, but I know how stories of this type work, so let me pick at one of the claims a bit. But on a recent fact-checking gig about rape, I came across some of Estrich's old law review articles and realized that Estrich legal thought has long been more complicated than Slate suggests, so charges of rank opportunism can be overhyped. She had more intellectual resources than I had realized, and has long been willing to consider more than one side of the issue. This law review article of hers was published in 1992 describing her methods of teaching rape (so it is hard to say this was an adjusted position because later cases about Monica or Paula Jones): The biases I bring to the teaching of rape sit at the surface, the hard edges of survival. It is not just that I think rape is important; I also think about it from a certain perspective. You survive rape, but you never leave it behind.Ok, compare those last few sentences written in 1992 with how Slate says Estrich has radically changed her views: She argued vehemently against using the victim's mental history or sexual past in court, but now she writes, "Imagine if it were your husband or brother. … Would you want to know if the woman making the accusation had been hospitalized for mental illness? Is there anything you wouldn't want to know about her?" She nakedly states the political motivations behind some of her shifts of position, explaining, "[T]he core of the dispute is not about what's welcome and what's unwelcome in terms of sexual harassment, but whose ox is being gored." Estrich has the grace to be honest about her reversals and the ambiguities they raise.The other quotes may be damning, but the bold part is wrong or dishonest on Slate's part. Maybe it was also reprinted, but Estrich also said it first (?) in the 1992 law review article quoted above. Of course, if you see the context, it also does not appear as radically 'unfeminist', because it is a Professor challenging her students with a question (followed by an opposite one). Anyway, all this is to say that Estrich has some interesting, layered thought to draw upon in any public shift of her positions and tone. I am most definitely not saying I approve of her shifting support and public defenses which I do not understand. Update: Here's from an article by Estrich in 1986: In short, I am arguing that "consent" should be defined so that "no means no." And the "force" or "coercion" that negates consent ought be defined to include extortionate threats and deceptions of material fact. As for mens rea, unreasonableness as to consent, understood to mean ignoring [*1183] a woman's words, should be sufficient for liability: Reasonable men should be held to know that no means no, and unreasonable mistakes, no matter how honestly claimed, should not exculpate. Thus, the threshold of liability -- whether phrased in terms of "consent," "force" or "coercion," or some combination of the three, should be understood to include at least those non-traditional rapes where the woman says no or submits only in response to lies or threats which would be prohibited were money sought instead. n335 The crime I have described would be a lesser offense than the aggravated rape in which life is threatened or bodily injury inflicted, but it is, in my judgment, "rape."... perma link |
10/22/2003 02:35:00 AM | Brad Plumer Christ... This report is more than a little terrifying: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have concluded a secret agreement on "nuclear cooperation" that will provide the Saudis with nuclear-weapons technology in exchange for cheap oil, according to a ranking Pakistani insider.Scary shit. No, make that really scary shit. Okay, so assuming this might be true, what happens next? How does this affect the Middle East? How does it affect our relationship with Saudi Arabia? Why exactly does Saudi Arabia want nukes in the first place? There's no way we can just ignore this situation and hope it goes away. So what then? perma link |
10/22/2003 01:50:00 AM | Karsten Barde $2.5mil Gift Endows Professorship Big news for the College here. perma link |
10/22/2003 12:32:00 AM | Karsten Barde ON CAMPUS WEDNESDAY Come hear the man himself--source of all this commotion--at Rollins Chapel at 7:30pm. Robinson will speak briefly about his own ministry as a priest, the experience of coming out while working in the church, his vision of his future role as a bishop, and some of his views on the controversy. More than anything he would like to engage the audience in conversation and answer their questions. --From DRA blitz perma link |
10/21/2003 05:13:00 PM | Brad Plumer For those quieter hours... Alright, I'm getting a bit sick of dusting off every last nook and cranny of the presidential race: partly because it gets boring, and partly because I don't want any more Dean henchmen flooding my inbox with angry mail (especially those two anonymous Deaniacs this morning... who the hell are you folks?). So anyways, here are two longer discussion length topics, both a little old, but still interesting: The first is a series of thoughtful posts by Ampersand about the wage gap between men and women. In order: 1. Ways to measure the wage gap accurately (or at least semi-accurately). 2. Historical trends in the wage gap. 3. Possible causes of the wage gap. 4. Explaining the gap in working hours (why men work more than women, and why that fact doesn't quite account for the gap. 5. The effects of motherhood (and they're broader than just 9 months of maternal leave). 6. Some myths that have been used to explain the wage gap: One, two and of course, three 7. Evidence of gender discrimination in the workplace. Anyways, it's well worth checking out, even if it's a bit time-consuming. Actually, come to think of it, I'll save the other topic for another time, since it's longer and much more strenuous. No doubt much bated breath, anticipation &c. perma link |
10/20/2003 10:18:00 AM | Anonymous Jonathan Chait speaks the truth! A Dislike Unlike Any Other? Writer Jonathan Chait Brings Bush-Hating Out of the Closet By Howard Kurtz The words tumble out, the hands gesture urgently, as Jonathan Chait explains why he hates George W. Bush. It's Bush's radical policies, says the 31-year-old New Republic writer, and his unfair tax cuts, and his cowboy phoniness, and his favors for corporate cronies, and his heist in Florida, and his dishonesty about his silver-spoon upbringing, and, oh yes, the way he walks and talks. For some of his friends, Chait says at a corner table... read the rest here. perma link |
10/19/2003 03:58:00 PM | Anonymous Is Lierberman Still Standing? I came across this quick article at CNN today in which Liebo is reported to have called Dean and Clark "rookies" when it comes to politics -- and that "it's not a time for rookies." This struck me as amazingly weak. Regardless of his state, I wouldn't say any governor is a rookie when it comes to politics -- and certainly a former NATO Commander has "some experience in the world" -- the other trait that Liebo seems to claim he alone brings to the table. The article alludes to Liebo being in 5th place for the nomination -- which to me is why Joe has felt the need to make such statements the first place, hoping that folks will come running scared back to him. But does anyone think he has a chance at this point? Are we in reality down to the Final Four? perma link |
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