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10/21/2003 05:13:00 PM | Brad Plumer For those quieter hours... Alright, I'm getting a bit sick of dusting off every last nook and cranny of the presidential race: partly because it gets boring, and partly because I don't want any more Dean henchmen flooding my inbox with angry mail (especially those two anonymous Deaniacs this morning... who the hell are you folks?). So anyways, here are two longer discussion length topics, both a little old, but still interesting: The first is a series of thoughtful posts by Ampersand about the wage gap between men and women. In order: 1. Ways to measure the wage gap accurately (or at least semi-accurately). 2. Historical trends in the wage gap. 3. Possible causes of the wage gap. 4. Explaining the gap in working hours (why men work more than women, and why that fact doesn't quite account for the gap. 5. The effects of motherhood (and they're broader than just 9 months of maternal leave). 6. Some myths that have been used to explain the wage gap: One, two and of course, three 7. Evidence of gender discrimination in the workplace. Anyways, it's well worth checking out, even if it's a bit time-consuming. Actually, come to think of it, I'll save the other topic for another time, since it's longer and much more strenuous. No doubt much bated breath, anticipation &c. perma link |
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