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11/13/2003 12:33:00 AM | Brad Plumer Poor form: Graham Roth obviously has a history of sending thoughtless blitzes, but this blitz, posted by Emmett, really takes the cake: --- Forwarded message from Graham Roth ---Edit: Commenters have pointed out that the posters explicitly claimed to be sponsored by the Young Dems. I didn't notice that at all when I saw the posters (it's in tiny print at the bottom), and that, to me, changes everything. The blitz, of course, made it seem like they were taken down for being immature, and maybe that was the primary reason (which is deplorable), but ultimately it was justified. So Graham, I apologize for the attack. It was overhasty and I should have asked you about it first. That said, if the poster had only sported the "Generation Dean" logo on top, the tear-downs would have been unwarranted. Yes, it's a bit misleading, but so what? How do you feel about posters that attack or parody McDonald's using their logo (like this one?). What if someone put up a parody poster attacking Bush using the "official" Bush-Cheney 2004 logo? What about this website? Should we burn t-shirts that parody the college social norms campaign ("the average student drinks 10-11-12 drinks" etc.)? After all, someone might mistakenly think that the college is sponsoring these ads, huh? perma link |
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