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9/22/2003 10:39:00 PM | Brad Plumer I'm taking my ball and I'm going home! Howard Dean is probably not my ideal candidate, but I've always liked the guy on a basic level. I've always figured that, whatever his flaws, he's a good Democrat and genuinely wants what's best for the country. So I was a little taken aback by this quote: When I ask Dean about Clark, his response is characteristically two-fold. He praises him with sincere fervor: “I know Wes Clark, he’s a very good human being, and he’s got an enormous amount of integrity.” At the same time, on the subject of Clark entering the race, he shows more than a glint of steel. “It’s going to be very hard to start late,” he says, “and think you’re going to do well in Iowa and New Hampshire. It’s going to be incredibly hard. I mean, we’ve already got 39,000 people working for us all around the country . . . I really do believe — and I think about this — I want to get this nomination, and if I don’t . . . these kids are not transferrable. I can’t just go out and say, ‘Okay, so I didn’t win the nomination, so go ahead and vote for the Democrats.’ They’re not going to suddenly just go away. That’s not gonna happen.”These kids are not transferrable? So if Dean doesn't win the nomination he's going to sit home, cry, and refuse to support the Democratic candidate? Why exactly is he in this race, anyways? Am I overreacting (very possible...)? Dean has already promised not to drop out of the race even if he's (mathematically) lost the nomination by March 9th. Is this going to cause a problem? If I remember correctly, back in 1992 Clinton had already secured the nomination and Jerry Brown continued to run attack ads against him, helping Clinton drop to third in the national polls behind Bush and Perot. Could we see the same sort of destructive behavior this year? Is Dean serious about unseating Bush no matter what? Oh, I should mention that Jerry Brown's campaign was run by a guy by the name of Joe Trippi... interesting.... perma link |
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