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9/17/2003 04:45:00 PM | Brad Plumer Clarkmania: Kos speculates that former Kerry advisor Chris Lehane may very well find a job on the Clark campaign sometime soon. Kos thinks that a massive Dean-Clark showdown is in the works, and "with Fabiani and Lehane in the mix, it won't be clean or amicable." Meanwhile, Political Wire has a thorough roundup of Clark news and analysis. The biggest story, of course, is the rumor that Hillary Clinton might co-chair Clark's campaign. Which seems terribly unlikely (and might be nothing more than subtle-- and clever-- conservative propaganda), but I guess we'll see. I suppose Clark desperately needs to match Dean's ludicrous fundraising skills, and Hillary could help out in a big way... but it seems like a risky move from Clark's point of view. Finally, Hesiod over at Counterspin lists and debunks the most popular anti-Clark charges, including the (apparently misguided) claim that Clark nearly started World War III during the Kosovo campaign. Hesiod is convincing, but it seems a bit nervewracking that he can already muster up so many tangible (and easily repeatable) attacks against the general. At least when Howard Dean lies and fumbles, it's about trivial stuff that no one can firmly grasp (although Gephardt's campaign is trying to change that... see here for Gep's new "Deanfacts.com"). Dean can squirm through all that. But it will be easy for Limbaugh to convince millions of listeners that Clark was singlehandedly responsible for Waco. Ugh. perma link |
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