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9/10/2003 01:24:00 AM | Timothy Apology to Kalb A week or so ago, I trashed a comment of Kalb's in a post of mine on irrational Clinton hatred. I think my substantive criticism was more than fair. I continued my arguments in the comments and have yet to hear an answer, for example, on how the suicide of Vince Foster shows that Clinton is grade A scum. But in the course of doing so, I characterized him as a global idiot. That was not fair of me and have no reason to think that, and it was wrong of me to do so. I engaged in a type of attack against which, to my knowledge, he has not engaged towards others. The 'Kalbian logic' as I have called it, is horribly flawed. But he's willing to try to defend it. You may think Clinton is scum. But it is silly to claim that the unsubstantiated charges and hatred around Clinton show that Clinton is scum. That is bad reasoning and worthy of ridicule. If anything, ridiculous charges against Clinton show the level of lingering irrational hatred of Clinton among right-wingers, not that Clinton really did them and is grade A scum. But one comment, written quickly, or even one point continually defended does not mean one is, or should be called, an idiot. Smart, rational people can make arguments that are unreasonable at times. In fact, almost any intelligent person will say stupid things at least once in a while, especially in a format that enourages quick responses. I realize it is not much of an apology to in effect say to Kalb that i think your comment was idiotic, but I don't think you are. But for what it is worth, I apologize. perma link |
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