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9/07/2003 06:15:00 PM | Timothy Another MEChA link roundup Kausfiles links to this L.A. Times story (See instapundit's comments here, and calpundit's attack here:"And now for the logical conclusion: therefore, the race-baiting of the neonativists should be taken seriously and Bustamante should be forced to publicly renounce all this stuff that everyone knows he doesn't believe anyway.") Ornicus has more on MEChA here, here and here and links to a post responding to an earlier question of his of when identity politics had been discredited. This blog attacks some bloggers and the media for still mistranslating "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada" as "For the Race everything. Outside the race, nothing." and lays out reasons why he thinks this is so. Nathan Newman points to this post attacking Fox News for smearing MEChA with false accusations of violence. Nathan Newman defends MEChA here and his early post on MEChA drew interesting comments. Ted Barlow reposts a Calpundit commenter saying that Juan non-Volokh wrongly and unknowingly characterized MEChA; non-Volokh had linked to the webpage of a group that formed a dissident campus MEChA group, because they had felt the chapter that left the established MEChA group was not radical enough! Barlow and Newman get some digs in, but are a little silly by asking about membership in the Young Americans for Freedom and the Texas GOP and "El Plan de Philadelphia". It is interesting to think what one accepts when one belongs to a group, but with the possible exception of the one on Young Americans for Freedom, I don't think any of these satiric posts make their point stick well. Tacitus has a post about guilt by association and notes in comments: "It's perfectly just to ask state GOP members if they agree with their own platform." There's a lot of interesting stuff in that thread, including a link to this story and this claim. Ornicus had said that passing on right-wing racist memes in effect legitimizes them. Tacitus says that is an example of guilt by assocation (as oppossed to something like guilt by associating oneself). Ornicus' David Niewart says that wasn't his intent, but Tacitus says that was the effect of Ornicus' post. Wasn't Ornicus' original point about effects? Atrios has put "Por el Partido Demócrata todo. Fuera del Partido Demócrata nada." on the side of his blog. Daily Kos has "I am MEChA" across the top of his webpage. Kos wants the GOP to keep attacking MEChA. Be sure to view the comments on Kos for a long debate on MEChA talk against gringos and foreign invaders. perma link |
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