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8/23/2003 06:49:00 PM | Timothy Gratutious posting of Arnold quotes - On the Decision to Run - "It's the most difficult [decision] I've made in my entire life, except the one I made in 1978 when I decided to get a bikini wax." - On Multi-Culturalism - "It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republican, if you're young or old, what the racial thing is, nothing matters to me." "After watching mulattas shake it, I can totally understand why Brazil is devoted to my favorite body part, the ass." - On Balancing the State Budget - "We have to make sure everyone in California has a great job. A fantastic job!" "The public doesn't care about figures" [asked if he would provide details on budget cuts] "Like I told Warren, if he mentions Prop 13 one more time, he has to do 500 situps." - On Political Independence - "As you know, I don't need to take any money from anybody. I have plenty of money myself. I will make the decisions for the people." "I was always dreaming about very powerful people, dictators and things like that. I was always impressed by people who could be remembered for hundreds of years or like Jesus for thousands of years." (from "Pumping Iron") - On Past Indiscretions - "Nothing will haunt me" "I have inhaled, exhaled everything." - On Family Values - "My mother would spend time with me, saying read out loud. When I stopped, with a yardstick, she would hit me over de head. Do you know how fast I read again? I was reading so fast, let me tell you." "There are two things at work here. Since the '60s, many more women have gone to work outside the home. The husband is at work, the mother is at work. Now the kids are always alone. As a country, we have to supplement where there is a vacuum." "My mother called me on the phone and she said, you know, "Your dad died." And this was exactly two months before a contest. She said, "Are you coming home to the funeral?" I said, "No, it's too late. You know, he's dead, there's nothing to be done. And I'm sorry and I can't come, you know?" (from "Pumping Iron") - On the Status of Women - "But no one that has been around me would believe that a woman would be complaining about me holding her." "It was a handful. I never know if my wife’s watching. I’ll tell her it was a stuntman." [after touching British TV host's breast on air] "Your daughter has a great butt" [to Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Arnold's future mother-in-law, shortly after meeting Maria] "Any woman who thinks, 'My biological clock is ticking and I want a baby and it doesn't matter if I have a husband or not' -- well, without running anyone down, that is a mistake." [discussing a scene in T3, in which he pushes the female cyborg's face into a toilet bowl] "I saw this toilet bowl. How many times do you get away with this -- to take a woman, grab her upside down, and bury her face in a toilet bowl? I wanted to have something floating there ... The thing is, you can do it, because in the end, I didn't do it to a woman -- she's a machine! We could get away with it without being crucified by who-knows-what group." [after Sylvester Stallone invited him to join an all-male club]"I told him it was the worst thing he could do. That we're living in a very sensitive time period, when women were struggling for equality. I said I didn't agree with half the stuff they were talking about, but a club like that would offend every smart woman in the country." "As much as when you see a blonde with great tits and a great ass, you say to yourself, 'Hey, she must be stupid or must have nothing else to offer', which maybe is the case many times. But then again there is the one that is as smart as her breasts look, great as her face looks, beautiful as her whole body looks gorgeous, you know, so people are shocked." - On Taxes - "This is really embarrassing. I just forgot our state governor's name, but I know that you will help me *recall* him." [laughs] - On If He Wins - "I promise you, I promise you that if I get elected to be governor of this great state I will continue on my crusade for this state and across the country to make sure that ... after-school programs will be made available in every public school in the whole United States." - On the Importance of Exercise- "Pumping iron is a great feeling...like coming, but coming continuously." - On His Finances - [on Today show, interviewed by Matt Lauer, end of interview] Matt: "Will you be releasing your tax records publicly for the citizens of CA to examine?" Arnold (in a remote studio), holding hand up to ear: "What was that?" Matt: "I asked if you would release your tax records to the public?" Arnold, still holding hand up to ear, now looking around his remote studio: "I can’t hear, I’ve lost the connection....." perma link |
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