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8/19/2003 08:45:00 PM | Timothy Gibson I know you're kind of bored of The Passion, but the headline in Atrios' post made me laugh:"Gibson to Add Lovable Jews to Movie". It links to this article by the Baptist Press. The sad thing is there have been long and difficult attempts to enact passion plays in Germany without inspiring Anti-Semitism; I would think Mel have benefitted from learning from those experiences. If you missed it, I liked earlier to this article on aztlan.net (La Voz de Aztlan is not the group Cruz Bustamante belonged to): Who were responsible for the heinous crucifixion of Jesus Christ; the Romans or the Jews? There is ample historical and biblical evidence that it was the Jews who conspired and carried out the murder of the true Messiah by having him nailed to a wooden cross at Golgotha... La Voz de Aztlan understands and greatly sympathises with Mel Gibson and his present predicament. The two Jewish organizations that have vehemently attack him, the ADL of B'nai B'rith and the Simon Wiesenthal Center have also attacked us. Both organizations have written extensively against us simply because we are Christians and because we dare to write the truth in articles such as this one. We are not deterred, however, and pray that Mr. Gibson does not change the script of his film as he originally wrote it. We are convinced that these hypocritical and self-righteous Zionists are of the same mold as those Jewish Pharisees responsible for the cruel crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.Not the kind of defense Gibson wants, I would think. I have heard that different gospels have different accounts of Jesus being crucified. The 'account' by atzlan says there was "ample historical and biblical evidence that it was the Jews who conspired and carried out the murder..." I'm wondering (a) do they basically get the Bible right or wrong? (b) what historical evidence is there besides the Bible? and (c) How does the account of Atzlan.net differ from other people defending the passion on the basis of history and/or the gospels? (it better and I'm sure they do, as this Atzlan.net writer seems to be a crude, blatant, and vile Anti-Semite) perma link |
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