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8/19/2003 02:26:00 AM | Timothy And people say liberals are self-righteous? See a blow-by-blow on how O'Reilly is a total idiot in his latest assault on Franken and praising Fox suing him. This is ridiculous self-parody. Does this guy not know anything about free speech and throwing stones in glass houses? The main point here is that trying to hurt a business or a person because you disagree with what they say is simply unacceptable in America. And that message has been sent by FOX. There's a principle in play. Vigorous debate is embraced by us, but smear campaigns will be confronted. It is simply a joke for The New York Times to editorialize that fabricated personal attacks are acceptable under the banner of satire.Update: O'Reilly just doesn't stop the unaware self-mocking: Now Fox News is striking back by putting the demonizers on notice that they will be held responsible when they violate trademarks or launch defamatory personal attacks on Fox personnel.The trademark part is the actual complaint. But it seems O'Reilly really wants to sue because he feels Franken defamed him. Except defamation would be an even weaker legal claim than the crap they are putting out now (they would have done it otherwise, believe me). But notice how O'Reilly is being a hypocrtical thug, announcing: don't dare attack us, we help dialogue! It is simply a sorry joke to see a political activist like Al Franken labeled a satirist by The New York Times. Attempting to smear and destroy the reputations of those with whom you politically disagree is not satire. If that were the case, Richard Nixon's Watergate plumbers would all be writing for "Saturday Night Live." Fox News has become the highest-rated news network on cable because we feature lively debate and all honest voices are welcome. We don't do drive-by character assassinations, and we don't denigrate opposing points of view by launching gratuitous personal attacks.Yeah. perma link |
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