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7/22/2003 09:37:00 AM | Brad Plumer Nader and co., redux It looks like the Greens are serious about derailing the Democrat campaign: Those who wanted a presidential candidate who would run the strongest possible campaign were asked to stand in one area. Those who wanted someone who would run only in areas where electoral votes would not be pulled from the Democratic presidential candidate stood in another. Those who wanted to skip the race altogether and, instead, support the Democratic candidate stood in yet another.Sounds like fun. As Matthew Yglesias puts it: "If it weren't for the fact that the Greens' actions are responsible for causing hundreds of millions of people around the world to suffer, I would find their antics amusing." On the more serious side, Philip Shropshire offers a few constructive suggestions for the Green party, like trying to shoehorn themselves into Congress: Most house races have been gerrymandered out of competitiveness. Delay, especially if he succeeds in juryrigging the Texas map, will probably have a seat for life. Democrats know this and therefore expend very little resources on about 90 percent of the house races where they have no chance. I'm saying to the Greens, pick 10 or 20 seats that the Dems won't fight for anyway, which preferably have large college populations, perhaps stirred to anger about the prospect of both grant cuts and a new draft to build the empire, and shoot for 70 percent turnout.He also suggests that a candidate like Dean should try promising Nader, et. al. a few cabinet seats in exchange for Greens support. I'm not sure that Dean (or the Greens) would be willing to do this, but it doesn't sound like a terrible idea. perma link |
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