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6/12/2003 02:42:00 AM | Timothy Emmett Hogan: Worse than The Guardian Emmett Hogan blatently slandered me last week on The Dartmouth review weblog. He wrote: Free Dartmouth WatchSorry Emmett, I never wrote anything on freedartmouth about the Wolfowitz (mis)quote about oil. Emmett is probably referring to my "Wolfowitz Gone Wild' Post, which had Josh Marshall talking about the Vanity Fair interview where Wolfowitz is quoted saying he was "confident Saddam was connected to the World Trade Center bombings in 1993" and has "entertained the theory" Saddam was connected to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing as well. These are accurate quotes. The only dispute was whether Wolfowitz thought they were on the record. The right-wing has been trying to ignore this. They've also tried to explain Wolfowitz's quote on how the Weapons of Mass Destruction rationale for the war was decided on in part for "bureaucratic reasons." The Guardian's major misquote of Wolfowitz about oil (apparently due to mistranslating something or some other screw up) has nothing to do with the accuracy of the quotes I mentioned. That is, except it allows the right-wing to ignore that a major backer of the Gulf War II honestly sees Saddam's hidden hand everywhere. The right-wing strategy is to imply that all indictments of Wolfowitz are untrue. Emmett is so delusional that he seems to have assumed this had to be reality in the case of my post. I don't even see where I even linked to anything talking about the oil misquote. The Guardian corrected itself. So should Emmett. I expect he will apologize for inexcusably accusing me of "shilling" when he seems to be the one who can't read and pass on accurate information. Update: Emmett Emmett apologizes. Thanks, Mr. Hogan. perma link |
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