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5/21/2003 07:38:00 PM | Timothy Grand Theft Auto You know, despite my love of video games as a kid, I got to say that Lieberman is making sense here: In his address Tuesday, the senator condemned a video game called "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" in which the object is to hunt down people who stole the player's cocaine. The player is awarded points for having sex with a prostitute before killing her. "As I watched it, I feared for my daughters," Lieberman said as several women in the crowded nodded their heads in agreement. "And I fear for yours."Many people think the feminist argument that pornography causes violence is dubious at best. But as video games and virtual reality get more advanced, will we have popular video games that involve rape? And with more 'life-like' interactions, won't the feminist argument about cultural images become stronger as men can not only see rape on tape, but be the simulated rapist and multilator of women? I've never played Grand Theft Auto, but those who have say it's 'just a game' (and I think they said you don't get points for having sex with the prostitute... you have to pay her... and if you kill her you get your money back). Perhaps the better (and lesser) informed could weigh in. perma link |
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