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5/21/2003 05:28:00 PM | Timothy AP: 'Officials reportedly told to destroy records in Texas lawmakers search' Read Mark Kleiman's post on the latest Republican outrage. Remember all those Republican complaints about how substituting Lautenberg for Toricelli in the New Jersey Senate race would undermine democracy? To take that too seriously, you'd have to think that it was likely that this would start a pattern, where candidates would bail out each time they were behind in the polls. Whatever your view on the likliness of that, it should be clear that redistricting every two years is a greater threat to democracy. Aside from voting rights lawsuits, a state hasn't redistricted more than once per census since the 1950's and it's been uncommon in the last century. Think the Republicans will get up all worked up about this? Or that Texas officials have apparently destroyed the records about whether the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY was looking for the lawmakers? Nah... Freaking hypocrites. Especially their toadies on dartlog. Bob Dole once said, "Where's the outrage?" Democrats have a lot more to be outraged over now than Republicans ever did in the past decade. UPDATE: To back up an assertion made in comments, California GOP legislatorstried to deny a quorom in the mid-ninties: When desperate Texas Democrats fled their statehouse last week to avoid a political showdown, they simply followed a Republican playbook that had been written nine years before in California. Then, Republicans hid in Sacramento's Hyatt Regency Hotel to block that wily despot Willie Brown from clinging to the speakership for a 15th year in the teeth of a new, razor-thin Republican majority. They failed, outfoxed by Brown.That commenter obviously hasn't been reading Josh Marshall who has been all over this. perma link |
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