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4/26/2003 12:25:00 AM | Richie Jay More Responses Alston Ramsay () @ 04/25/2003 21:22: "Particular agenda"? Once again, did you actually read the editorial and article? Let's recap. I used two examples to illustrate my point, the first was prefaced with "for example" and referred to the diversity training on which the Review reported. After, I wrote, "Or what about...," clearly meaning that I was pointing to one more example. I could have pointed to numerous other examples of spending under the Dean of the College area that had not sufferef cuts this year. I didn't say it was a zero sum game and I didn't advocate the elimination of the program, but I did point out the way the College has no qualms about throwing money into social programs when academic ones suffer. (continued due to length). , Alston Ramsay () @ 04/25/2003 21:22: But had I said it was a zero-sum game--which I didn't--I still say you're incorrect to think the UGA program should receive funding (as much as it currently does) over the library. It's about priorities. Also, while the UGA program may employ part-time 100 or so students, the library employs about 170 adults, for whom this is their livlihood. Still, my point is that funding could be trimmed from the UGA program, as it could from many other areas, without significant impact, unlike the libraries, where every dime counts. In your rush to find something to criticize, you've completely ignored my point, and, in the process, shown a callous disregard for the College's academic mission. Since this debate started on the main page, let's finish it there. Please post this one., Brad Plumer (http://freedartmouth.com) @ 04/25/2003 21:48: Agree with Mr. Ramsay. We could probably bat around a number of good arguments for the UGA system (for instance, I think "cushy" student jobs are very beneficial to the college, much more than "actual" community jobs), but that wasn't the point of the editorial (or his article, which was very nicely done). The library is and should be one of the cornerstones of the college, and we should not be scraping off 1/15th of its operating budget until nearly every other college program around has undergone close scrutiny first. And he's absolutely right, the cuts are ridiculous and damaging. Sanborn is currently a wreck, with books flung carelessly all about the place. And I have yet to find anyone in the math department happy about the impending elimination of Cook. Pitiful. perma link |
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