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4/12/2003 02:17:00 AM | Justin Hospital lootings in Iraq - incubator stories back in the headlines I hear looters are getting away with everything under the sun, including vital medical equipment such as incubators. The latest tales of incubator theft are an ironic sequel to the notoriously fabricated incubator theft stories trumpeted during the first gulf war. Then, stories of Saddam's soldiers ripping babies from Kuwaiti incubators, and stealing the equipment were vital in getting national support for the war. It was only discovered later that the stories were mostly the invention of Hill & Knowlton's, an American PR organization in the pay of Kuwaiti royalty. Now, it's looters stealing incubators from Iraqi hospitals while coalition troops look the other way: a reversal of sorts. Shouldn't we conscientious Americans be wondering what's happening to any of the babies that might have been in those incubators, as we were so prone to wonder when it was Kuwaiti incubators in question? Oh, but then, it's probably more excusable this time around because the power in these hospitals had long ago gone out anyway, so doubtless any babies in the incubators would have already been dead by the time looters got there. Please excuse my cynicism. I know this is all speculation, but if we were so quick to speculate (falsely) on the fates of Kuwaiti babies during Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, shouldn't we also be speculating now? perma link |
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