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4/04/2003 12:43:00 AM | Timothy The Dems call for more regime change! Wow, I had thought that TeamGOP press release was taking a quote of Kerry's out of context. Kerry is calling for regime change in the U.S.: ''What we need now is not just a regime change in Saddam Hussein and Iraq, but we need a regime change in the United States,'' Kerry said in a speech at the Peterborough Town Library. By echoing the ''regime change'' line popular with hundreds of thousands of antiwar protesters who have demonstrated across the nation in recent weeks, the Massachusetts senator and Democratic presidential contender seemed to be reaching out to a newly invigorated constituency as rival Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont and a vocal opponent of the war in Iraq, closes in on Kerry in opinion polls....''I don't think they're going to trust this president, no matter what,'' Kerry said. ''I believe it deeply, that it will take a new president of the United States, declaring a new day for our relationship with the world, to clear the air and turn a new page on American history.''I'm really suprised... but it seems a little harsh. Not simpy the comment in itself, but how I think Kerry will appear to people. Dean is a more subtle than Kerry right now? Sheesh. It is an interesting tactic though, what Dean has going for him is a willingness to fight. If Kerry can adopt some of that... but still, Dean seems nice and right when doing it to me at least. "I want our country back" rather than get rid of those despots in the white house. "Regime Change" just does not seem as sunny. But it made me think that Kerry could be a formidable candidate if he'll adopt Dean-style rhetoric AND have the advantages of his wife's money, veteran status (and veterans against the war status), and height (I presume). But Kerry also sometimes looks dead, doesn't he? Can he fire 'em up like Dean (or at least me?) Can Dean compete? Looks like the two have a rivalry! (Also Dean and Lieberman seemed to have raised about the same amount of money so far... that's a big uh-oh for Lieberman....) Also: Interesting more discussions on Howard Dean Here and here. perma link |
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