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4/08/2003 01:08:00 AM | Timothy And I thought Columbia editorials were bad... Take a look at this piece of drivel from The Dartmouth a week or two ago: Overall, the clear and constant reporting of military operations benefits citizens at home and abroad. The steady stream of information allows for stances on the war that are based in fact. Protests, be they for or against the conflict, carry little weight when the protestors are not informed. The media's intensive efforts have resulted in a public that is more educated about -- and involved in -- its government's military decisions. Perhaps as important as informing U.S. citizens, the media's coverage has made the military's actions far more transparent. Even those nations opposed to war can be more confident that this conflict will not be conducted in secret. On the other hand, this barrage of information does not guarantee a comprehensive understanding of the situation. People are easily swayed by graphic images or reports of casualties. We need to be cautious to see photographs and reports for what they are: small pieces of a much larger picture.Yeah, the media has done such a good job informing the public that half of them think Saddam was behind 9/11. Take a look at the letters page on medianews.org for some criticism of embedded journalism (which should have been at least mentioned in the editorial). Editors of The Dartmouth responsible for this: I understand you no longer seem to care if others do not respect you as journalists, but how can you even respect yourselves? perma link |
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