Free Dartmouth
3/08/2003 09:27:00 PM | Timothy

Women and blogging
Proposition: Jon Eisenman is losing it.
Otherwise why, after Laura encourages more women to join FreeDarmouth, does Jon respond with the post: "And women Wonder Why Men Grumble About Feminism"?

This male poster didn't see anything to complain about, so I can only chastise Jon for stereotyping all men by assuming we would all resort to his type of incoherent grumbling.

Laura was not even saying FreeDartmouth should do anything: she was just encouraging individual women to blog! I could claim the stupidity of Jon's post is why people don't always take seriously men who complain about feminism. If Jon has a bone to pick with feminism, he shouldn't discredit himself by attacking any complaint noticing the involvement (or lack thereof) of women.

Jon's worldview: "So it isn't as if women are being denied their chance to post by those pontificating men."
I hadn't realized that was Laura's complaint. Hmm... Laura knows Kumar and I aren't censoring the posts and not inviting women on purpose. She just wants more women than her to participate. I would have thought that Jon would applaud Laura's pro-active call to arms rather than trying to analyze the in-depth mechanisms by which women end up not blogging.

Jon babbles on: "Villifying males (or just placing their opinions as inherently in opposition to whatever the "female opinion" happens to be) is just overkill. Example: I agree with the female's opinion that more females should post on the blog."
Huh? Save your whining about feminist diatribes for when Laura or someone else really gets going about feminism. No one said the female opinion in inherently in opposition to the opinions of males (certainly not liberal males, heh;). We have different perspectives here from left to center-left, and, it seems sometimes, from intelligent to stupid. I for one think there are a lot of distinctive voices from the other half of the human population, even if it doesn't add a distinctively 'female' perspective.

Jon's argument seems to be that women have nothing distinctive to add, like a socialist or Brad Plumer might. Women's views don't always correspond to men's (Jon must grumble everytime the gender voting gap comes up), or at least it is stupid to assume they must.

"Or, I suppose, you could stop reading at the subject line and come up with some confusing response about why I was bound to reply as such, being a white male and all."

I might as well have stopped if I wanted to read anything worthwhile. You weren't bound to respond that way because you were a white male: I and many other certainly did not. Don't blame your silliness on all men.

Finally, Jon says oh-so-cleverly: "By the way, absent a female Pope, don't you think the term 'pontificate' is gender biased?"

Well, Jon, if everyone Laura is referring to (regular Dartmouth bloggers besides herself) has been male, it is hardly a problem to use a word that refers only to males, is it? That's my silly response to Jon's silliness.

Jon's probably upset about some 'feminist' viewpoint that wasn't even expressed. If doubt Jon thinks gender is utterly irrelevant to anything at all, but if he does I hope that he'd welcome to additional of more voices, some of whom (whether women or men) I suspect (but do not know) would disagree with him on that point.


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