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3/04/2003 08:08:00 PM | Timothy Prison and Religion An incident at the 1,340-population prison in Tallahassee, Fla., shows just how fast such religious passion can turn confrontational. A handful of inmates formed a pagan religious group several years ago, worshipping the sun and moon, holding elaborate rituals at the vernal and autumnal equinox. They requested a round wooden altar, a sword, and naked women to dance in the moonlight. Prison officials -- predictably, perhaps -- refused to provide the sword or the women. But they agreed to the altar and directed the prisoners in wood shop to build it. As it turned out, the inmates building the altar were fundamentalist Christians. Appalled by the pagan ritual, they did a Bible in the altar's base. After several ceremonies, the pagans discovered the Bible. A confrontation erupted. Prison officials stress that only a small percentage of inmates latch onto unconventional religions or those that threaten security. Still, the Federal Bureau of Prisons' files are stuffed with requests and pamphlets from dozens of offbeat religions and would-be religions. They range from Asatru, a Viking-based faith whose newsletter is called The Runestone, to the Church of Universal Brotherhood, whose rituals include sitting cross-legged and naked in front of a mirror and chanting, "I am in charge of my head." From The Recorder, Feb. 18, 1993. perma link |
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