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3/31/2003 01:18:00 AM | Timothy Here's Some Dishonest Right-Wing Bullspit about Columbia's reaction to De Genova's comments Read the New York Post editorial "jokingly" wishing for another Kent State. The Post editorial says: Columbia, of course, couldn't summon the courage even to address what its hireling had said - let alone condemn it.... But isn't De Genova himself a representative of Columbia University? He's on the faculty. Along with a gaggle of Columbia-based lefty lugnuts, he was speaking Thursday night as a professor, on university property, largely to university students - when he called down disaster on thousands of brave young Americans.The idiotic Murdochites claim that the statements of one Professor represent the views of Columbia. What about the statements of two Columbia Professors (including an organizer of the event) who publically repudiated some of De Genova's sentiments? Do they also simultaneously represent the views of Columbia? And those dishonest writers who give conservatives a bad name do not even mention President Bollinger's reaction. If The New York Post will consider De Genova and every other untenured professor a representative of Columbia, cannot it extend that courtesy to the President of Columbia?! Sheesh. This was printed in The New York Times (which I'm sure The Post editors did not read, and would have changed their editorial had they just known... yeah right): "Under well-established principles of the First Amendment, this is within a person's right to free speech," Lee C. Bollinger, the president of Columbia, said in an interview. "Not for a second, however, does that insulate it from criticism. I am shocked that someone would make such statements. I am especially saddened for the families of those whose lives are now at risk." ..."Professor De Genova's speech did not represent the views of the organizers," said Eric Foner, a history professor who was one of the teach-in's organizers. "I personally found it quite reprehensible. The antiwar movement does not desire the death of American soldiers. We do not accept his view of what it means to be a patriot. I began my talk, which came later, by repudiating his definition of patriotism, saying the teach-in was a patriotic act, that I believe patriots are those who seek to improve their country." perma link |
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