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3/31/2003 01:48:00 AM | Timothy Fairly Unbalanced Julian Sanchez links to this article about Fox News using its news ticker in New York to taunt protesters: Fox News had its own response to the demonstrators. The news ticker rimming Fox's headquarters on Sixth Avenue wasn't carrying war updates as the protest began. Instead, it poked fun at the demonstrators, chiding them. "War protester auditions here today ... thanks for coming!" read one message. "Who won your right to show up here today?" another questioned. "Protesters or soldiers?" Said a third: "How do you keep a war protester in suspense? Ignore them." Still another read: "Attention protesters: the Michael Moore Fan Club meets Thursday at a phone booth at Sixth Avenue and 50th Street" - a reference to the film maker who denounced the war while accepting an Oscar on Sunday night for his documentary "Bowling for Columbine." The protesters said Fox's sentiments only proved their point: that media coverage, in particular among the television networks, is so biased as to be unbelievable. However, Sanchez wrongly says: "I realize that nobody ever took the 'fair and balanced' line to be anything but a jokeāand a pretty preposterous one at that..." My roommate tells me some of his relatives in the Midwest DO believe that Fox News is 'fair and balanced' and that O'Reilly is just as objective as Walter Cronkite. Even if no one you know believes in Fox News' hypocrisy, do not forget that they keep the marketing slogan for a reason: people can and do delude themselves into thinking they really are getting the news straight and that Fox News is merely 'correcting' for liberal bias on the other networks. (link here) perma link |
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