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2/07/2003 10:37:00 AM | Mikey Re: Tim's Penny I disagree with you that there is no natural curiosity among humans. Have you ever observed toddlers running around houses, staring into the faces of people and pets? Ever gone scuba diving and found yourself fascinated in what sealife would consider a dull underwater event? Ever stared into the night sky and pondered what was going on out there? Ever notice how most people list Discovery channel as one of their favorite cable stations? No, I think our innate curiosity is as strong as ever, however I think most of us are lazy and would rather stick to what's comfortable. Most people would prefer to take the easier path of less science and math rather than working hard since they know that they could have more fun doing other things, they may never achieve those goals, or that those goals won't make them rich. Exploration is more of a passive activity for the majority of us. When the opportunities arise, like when we go camping in the forests or diving underwater, we engage in them actively and happily, but for the rest of the time we stick to the Discovery channel, if even then. As for returning to the moon, you are wrong. The Chinese aim to have a manned mission by the end of the decade, and several private companies are beginning to venture there (unmanned for the time being) in the next few years (e.g. LunaCorp, TransOrbital). And NASA is setting its sights on Mars with nuclear propulsion. perma link |
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