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2/14/2003 12:06:00 AM | Justin Re: Amen! "Now correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not), but Matthew is supposed to be quoting Christ directly in this account. So Jesus says "Do not judge, so that you may not be judged." See if you can follow my logic: there are many evangelists - some of whom, CCC members (although this is on other campuses) - travel to places to condemn-and-pray for people...Now it seems to me that condemning people - or telling them they will face God's condemnation - is against the words right from Jesus's mouth. " - Jon Eisenman First of all believe me when I say that I'm the last person who would want this site turned into a bible studies group. Nonetheless, I can't help critiquing John's argument. John points out the hypocrisy of Christian evangelists who are all too ready to point out other's "sins" before addressing their own "sins". He sites the biblical analogy of the criticizer with the "log" in his/her eye hypocritically focusing on the "speck" in other's eyes, concluding that prosthelytizers have no divine mandate to prosthelytize. But John, when you say these prothelytizers are being hypocritical, aren't you assuming that they are criticizing others for "sin" of which they themselves are guilty? Only then would the biblical quote you site apply. Yet you give no examples of any such hypocrisy, so I don't see how you can conclude that Christian prosthelytizers are disobeying Christ's words. Aside: Personally, I've always wondered why the pamphlets all those groups pass out, depicting people with pained expressions on their faces about to be tortured in the fires of hell, don't qualify as illegal threats. I guess it's a crime to make a threat on someone's life, but their afterlife is considered fair game. It's a creepy loophole if you ask me. perma link |
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