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2/12/2003 07:44:00 PM | Karsten Barde Manipulation I think the piece from Center for Repro Rights is a bit overblown: "neutral names to lure in unsuspecting women", etc. It seems to me that private clinics, unless they receive some sort of strings-attached government funding, are entitled to offer whatever services they want. If women think they can get "a full range of reproductive services, including abortions" and that's not the case, there's not much one can do about it. Do I think pregnant women should be presented with all their options, e.g. not just abstinence-only counseling? Certainly. But private clinics are private clinics. On the same grounds, Planned Parenthood can choose not to offer ultrasounds. Intuition supports the assertion that ultrasounds would, indeed, have a deterrent effect on women seeking or considering abortions. However, I would argue that PP would be a more effective clinic if it did not limit its offerings. Giving a woman a view of her fetus, in the absence of other anti-abortion counseling, is not "manipulation," by my book. Nevertheless, I could imagine fiscal reasons (expensive machinery, etc.) why a Planned Parenthood clinic would not offer ultrasounds. Actually, what pre-natal care, if any, does PP offer? Are they only in the business of providing birth control, emergency pregnancy counseling and abortions? Is there evidence to support the assertion that Planned Parenthood more readily advocates abortion over other alternatives? UPDATE Re: Planned Parenthood pushing abortion: I have little doubt that Planned Parenthood, as a national organization and at most of its local offices, offers appropriate, informed and balanced counseling. Any implications to the contrary were not the intention of my inquiry. perma link |
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