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2/18/2003 06:37:00 PM | Timothy Lies from the last war How the last Bush administration lied about some of their justifications in the last showdown with Iraq. These are the same people in charge now. To the extent the case for war depends on trusting the administration, I'm not buying. Libertarian blogger Julian Sanchez writes: That's when my friend pointed me to an ABC News report on the declassification of documents related to something called Operation Northwoods, apparently old news in lefty circles for a while now. I hadn't heard about it. What I hadn't heard is that, in the 60s, top American military brass -- not a couple lone wackos, top brass -- developed a plan to instigate war with Cuba by killing Americans using terrorist tactics and then blaming Castro for it. Let me repeat that for the hard-of-reading. The Pentagon had plans, documents declassified only recently, after 40 years, to launch terrorist attacks against the U.S. as a pretext for war. This is not a conspiracy theory; it is a matter of public record. What most of us do still recall, though it's not brought up all that often, is that in order to gain Saudi permission to use the country as a staging ground, Bush I totally fabricated satellite photos showing Iraqi troops massing on the border. I also needed to be reminded that Saint Colin Powell, paragon of credibility, was implicated, at least tangentially, in the Iran-Contra coverup by the Independent Counsel.... Well, now I don't know. The problem, of course, is that things like Northwoods, or the Gulf of Tonkin lie, typically come out well after the fact, so that we don't get the same degree of outrage and skepticism we might have seen had they been revealed at the time. And the fatal problem with thinking along these lines is, of course, that an effective cover-up actually covers things up: you can't expect to find contemporaneous evidence... perma link |
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