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2/13/2003 01:49:00 PM | Jared Alessandroni Karsten's Post Reminded me - what kind of law is that? The guy had already been punished and might be charged for "loitering with the intent to solicit" - I mean, think about that. He was hanging around looking for a hooker. First of all, how can they prove that he wasn't hanging around pondering these women's lives in an existential way. And, what if he'd hired one of them just to say, talk to her, or write poetry with her. Even if you believe that the of buying or selling sex should be illegal, shouldn't there be proof? And, second, much more importantly is that very question - why is that illegal? If it is, what part of it? It is legal to date someone or even marry them and then rely entirely on them for money -- a situtation I'd be happy with - ladies? -- and it happens all the time. In fact, until the 60s, it was the only really accepted lifestyle. Why, then, is it illegal with a prostitute? And, no AIDS arguments without the blatantly obvious note that every AIDS expert on the planet knows it's easier to stop disease when you legalize and control it. Anyway, why why? perma link |
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