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2/28/2003 07:45:00 PM | Brad Plumer The emperor has no clothes! Daily Kos has a good summary of the jockeying for position going on in the Security Council right now. In the end, the new resolution may hinge on two countries, Cameroon and Guinea. Kos goes on to comment: This is ironic. Very ironic. Beyond ironic. Because in any coalition for democracy, these two are really awkward fits. They’re both stereotypical African "big man" dictatorships, ruled by leaders with, um, extensive human rights records. Not to mention criminal records.I'm sorry, but no. You can't have it both ways. Either the UN is a credible organization whose members' opinions count, or its a ragtag group of deformed democracies and rabid despots whose moral authority may be legitimately ignored by the US. Kos can't seem to make up his mind. Nowhere does he worry that China and Syria fall well short of democratic standards. Nowhere does he fret that France is carrying on an imperialist invasion of its own. So which is it? Graham and others, feel free to respond (and the D website was down, so Graham, I couldn't remember what you said in your latest article. Apologies for redundancies). Just about every appeal to the sanctity and necessity of the UN strike me as either flimsy or outright contradictory. Case in point above. The US gets blamed when it goes against the will of dictators, and then gets blasted when it starts building its own coalition of mustachioed villains. I don't get it. I will readily oppose the war on the basis of humanitarian concerns, first off, and practical concerns, second. But I could care less about international organization arguments. This entire conflict has exposed the UN for the misguided farce that it really is. At the very least I hope that this whole Iraq catastrophe results in a more credible, more effective UN. But it will need serious revamping. Update: another dictator against the US. Are anti-war voices ready to ally with Pakistan, Syria and China as the "lesser of two evils"? Are they willing to vault these countries into global prominence via organizations like the UN, if only as a desperate measure to contain the US? And haven't we chastized the US for following just this policy in that past? perma link |
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