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2/01/2003 12:45:00 PM | Jared Alessandroni Creationism A physician who's caring and smart and capable is proabably going to do their job quite well, but as Dini says, Kleiman is ignorant to say that Sunday Beliefs are so harmless. In fact, Dini echoes the assertion of many that the very dangerous increase in tolerance many diseases have to anti-biotics is partly the fault of the creationist doctors who refuse to believe it has anything to do with evolution. I wouldn't even want a nurse who was that stupid. Dini specifically requires the following: If you set up an appointment to discuss the writing of a letter of recommendation, I will ask you: "How do you think the human species originated?" If you cannot truthfully and forthrightly affirm a scientific answer to this question, then you should not seek my recommendation for admittance to further education in the biomedical sciences. Well, think about that. I know a lot of smart people who blindly believe in creationism and I have yet, even from professors of biology, heard an intelligent or remotely scientific explanation for creationism. Creationist arguments come off like justifications for fundamentalist laws - if a then b then c then of course, it's the will of God - which is fine if you want to abuse women or justify religious war or give a higher explanation for your intolerance, but it would be negligent for a professor to call it science. perma link |
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