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2/11/2003 08:56:00 PM | Timothy convert to homosexuality! Emmett Hogan on dartlog is worried about Homosexuals seeking recruits amongst the ranks of previously straight Dartmouth students. Well, that is not exactly what he says, but here is his response to Dan Pollock's comments about the Campus Crusade for Christ mailing "Mere Christianity" to the entire freshman class: This was one of the silliest flaps from my Dartmouth days. Did you ever -- ever -- here of anyone crying foul when those gay pride stickers appeared in our HBs? No, of course not, that would be absurd. Would any Christian student stand a chance of convincing the College to force the Rainbow Alliance to pass them out at a nearby table? No way. So are gays seeking to 'convert' people in the same way Christians are? Please. What if the stickers said 'end racism'? Would Emmett's passage above make its point in the same way? Or if the flyers had come from Young Democrats? Emmett's passage wouldn't be as 'funny' that's for sure... Emmett, how could anyone claim that the Rainbow Alliance should not be able to distribute lit and stickers through the Hinman boxes, given that political groups like the Young Democrats are allowed to do so? On the other hand, I can see genuine arguments about religious prostelyzation on college campuses, even if I don't agree with all of them. Maybe you think political and religious speech should be regulated in the same way, but political and religious 'conversion' are not the same thing. And I don't think the Rainbow Alliance should be made to be an analogized to the Campus Crusade for Christ, rather it should be analogized to the Young Democrats or perhaps AGORA or ASGARD (by the way, Dartmouth DOES put restrictions on what kind of political solicitation can be done on College grounds). Emmett can argue that religious speech should be treated in the same manner as secular speech, contrary to what he says is current college practice . But please don't keep spreading something that can be read as 'gays trying to convert people.' If your analogy works just as well with lit from Young Dems, use that example. But if doesn't work as well, you have to ask yourself why that is.... perma link |
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