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2/21/2003 04:56:00 PM | Timothy Brad Plumer: Pro-Stupidity Apologist? Brad says "Krugman's wrong. About Afghanistan, at least." Huh? Krugman claimed that the administration originally budgeted no money this year for Afghanistan, and that Congressional officials had to add $300 mil in. I would appreciate Brad telling me where he got that budget link (ie. was it what the President originally proposed), and how any of the evidence he presents contradicts anything Krugman said. By the way, Brad is too harsh on Krugman with the Tom White story. I could indict Brad for pathetically citing a newsmax story that is way over the top (as well as a National Review story), but I know he could have found better sources to say pretty much the same thing, but they would have involved more subtlety in the case of the Tom White story. Tom White didn't deny writing the memo to cover up losses when he was at Enron: he said he couldn't "recall" writing something close to that memo. Uh-huh. Here's the original two articles by Krugman and the 'exclusive' by Jason Leopold before Salon took down his article. And according to Leopold, Krugman felt after the two columns had been printed and the controversy erupted, he had independently verified that White had sent the email by talking to Leopold's sources, but Times editors reneged on their promises to allow him to print a column in defense of Leopold; Instead, a reporter for The New York Times printed the source (who was meant to remain confidential), who had received the email from White; Krugman was forced to print a correction (to be a man and take a bullet for the team) one that didn't say he was wrong, but that he hadn't 'substantiated' it, so it shouldn't have been printed. There are other issues with Leopold (I can't find links that work, but see the national review article), but Brad is far too quick to blame Krugman on this one. Brad is when he says when Krugman "gets into his anti-Bush mode, his facts become negotiable." Consider the scope of that indictment (about every Krugman column is anti-Bush) it seems Brad's facts are negotiable too. Perhaps I am too quick in saying that: but no quicker than Brad is). perma link |
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