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2/14/2003 05:50:00 PM | Timothy Belgium: worse than the Campus Crusade for Christ? Emmett Hogan shows a suprising degree of ignorance about international affairs when he says there " is not some international criminal court seated in Belgium -- it's actually just the Belgian supreme court, which (curiously) claims global jurisdiction. I never heard of any nation "opting in" to another country's legal system. Am I wrong, Brad?" How could Emmett forget the Pinochet case, where a Spanish court issued a warrant for his arrest and he was held in Britain for quite a while? Also France has a warrant out for Henry Kissinger. Tons of people sue in U.S. courts for violations in other countries (such as a sucessful, though obviously unpaid, claim against the leader of the Bosnian Serbs for perpetrating mass rape). Nazi Eichmann was tried in Israel (and kidnapped in Argentina!) for crimes committed before Israel existed. Sharon is accused of being responsible for massacres that took place, I believe, in Lebanon. So it is hardly a completely new thing for Belgium to invoke universal jurisdiction and Emmett is dead wrong. Emmett ends with "Heh, I guess the Belgians feel that if they can't tyrannize by rapine and colonization, they'll do it in the courts." Gee, is Emmett adopting the line that former colonial powers which in any way interfere with the internal affairs of other countries are being imperial once again? Better explain that logic to Bush.... (Oh, and by the way Emmett, I find it interesting that you find the mere association of the CCC and the KKK in Jared's post as abhorent. Even after Jared explains why he could put the CCC and the KKK side by side, you think you don't need to refute Jared and you 'rest your case'. If we adopt your simplistic empty logic, you've just indicted yourself as well: you compare attempts to prosecute accussed violaters of human rights to rape, tyranny, and colonization. Good luck in law school!) perma link |
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