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1/07/2003 08:40:00 AM | Karsten Barde Various&Sundry 1. With the upcoming execution in Mississippi of a man who shot a store clerk at the age of 17, this article in the magnificent British newspaper, the Guardian, reminds us that the United States and Iran are the only nations which still conduct executions of individuals under the age of 18. The Supreme Court voted last year 5-4 not to consider the case of the death penalty for juveniles (legal in 22 states). They might face the question again this year. 2. The New York Times reports Bush's intention to eliminate the federal tax on dividends, a move which Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev) called "class warfare." Can someone more qualified than I assess the merits of this proposal considering its estimated impact of -$300 billion from the federal treasury? All I know is that state budgets everywhere are hurting right now (especially California with a projected $35B deficit for 2003-2004--that's about $1,000 for every CA resident for those of you who are interested in these things). 2a. Perhaps Bush will earmark some of the anticipated gains by the corporate top-dogs as a result of the aforementioned tax-cut in order to restore funds to LIHEAP, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which he had previously promised to fully fund but now (according to the NPR morning news) has decided to severely cut. Food for thought the next time you call F0&M to complain about your room being cold in the midst of a New Hampshire blizzard. Hundreds of thousands of poor folk throughout New England don't have that luxury. 3. On my favorite radio station in the world (KPFA) the evening newscasters announced today that Amherst, Mass is in an uproar over the questioning of an East Asian labor organizer student and a professor by FBI agents (with complete compliance by the campus kops). Can anyone find a link to that info? The U.Mass. Amherst newspaper online didn't have anything about it. The broadcast said that the ACLU has filed a FOIA request on behalf of the two individuals. 4. What's going on with our goddamn swim team? Are they going to be cut, or aren't they? All I care about is that the D op/ed page get back to talking about important stuff (ha!). 5. Finally, life is good here in Fresno, where I'm discovering the challenges of making suggestions to a public television station manager who won't listen to anything that doesn't have money attached. Also, I'm realizing how amazing the MLK week is going to be... there at Dartmouth. The Kwanzaa celebration at the local African-American museum was a joke, unfortunately, and I hope the MLK ceremony will be a little better. You wouldn't believe what Dartmouth can accomplish just because it has the big bucks, compared to a poor city of 500,000 people like Fresno. But anyone with a spare moment might check out what a little enterprising Labor/Community Alliance has done with a 16-pg monthly magazine. It helps that the publisher also owns the printing press :) Oh, I have to add: I hope you're up bright and early Tuesday morning to catch the GOP as they start lying, cheating and stealing their way into the 108th Congress. perma link |
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