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1/26/2003 03:28:00 PM | Karsten Barde Re: McKinney Tim, in the article you provided about McKinney, I don't get a sense of her alleged anti-Semitism. What are the charges? 1. That she criticized U.S. support of Israel (legitimately) and said Giulani ought to have accepted the cash from the Saudi prince (admittedly not the smartest political gesture). 2. That she appeared at an event sponsored by Farrakhan. 3. That she accepted $2,000 from the extremist American Muslim Council founder Abdurahman Alamoudi (while the more wealthy John Sununu and Sen. Clinton declined his donations after his remarks in support of Hamas and Hezbollah were publicized). 4. That she called out the Bush administration to wonder "what they knew" before 9/11 (many other Americans asked the same question, if you recall). 5. That her father called Cynthia's 1996 congressional opponent a "racist Jew" (well, was he?). And that McKinney Sr. blamed Jews in her district for causing her defeat in the 2000 primary (well, did they?). None of the charges listed above seem to be grounds for labeling McKinney anti-Jew in any meaningful sense. (Anyone recall a certain Jewish member of the Dartmouth '02 class who was known to call anyone he disagreed with an anti-Semite?) I've got no problem calling out conservative, Sharon-apologist (and yes, maybe racist) Jews for what they really are. I think it's a possibility that a vocal, controversial Green presidential candidate might undermine "the good work" going on in states, but it could also be a real booster if public opinion came down in support of the candidate's strong statements. I can't say which is more likely. The author of Tim's article seems to think the former is true, and that choosing a "lightning-rod candidate" would "march the party away from ...legitimacy." Maybe so. Now Michael Moore would be awesome :). Can you imagine? Jim Hightower's another great guy, but he's got no intention of running. Any other populists from the South or the Midwest who come to mind? perma link |
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