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1/18/2003 05:17:00 PM | Timothy Political action at Dartmouth The Dartmouth Israel Public Awareness Committee (DIPAC) has been passing around an email petition which they ask students to stand together with Israel in the war on terrorism. They claim to have over 800 'vitural' signatures and intended to place a large ad in the college's daily paper, The Dartmouth (see the text of the email below for the exact wording of the statement). Keeping my ear to the ground, I have learned that DIPAC applied to COSO (the college's student organization funding group) for funds they could use to place this ad. COSO denied the request on the reasoning that this was not an activity (like the Greens going on buses to the ant-war protests in D.C.), and it would set a bad precedent if COSO funded ads in The Dartmouth that were not for recruiting or promoting a specific event. >Subject: Over 880 of your classmates have signed... why haven't you? >To: (Recipient list suppressed) Pledge your support to the following statement: "We, the undersigned, as registered voters of the United States of America, and as members of the Dartmouth College community, stand by Israel in our shared pursuit of democracy, freedom, and peace. We support a strong relationship between the United States and Israel in the battle against terrorism. We advocate security and stability for both Israelis and Palestinians. We pray for peace and freedom for all peoples in the Middle East. " It is not unilateral support for Israel nor is is meant to be construed as such. We want to support Israel's in its pursuits of values we share: peace freedom and democracy. We want a fair solution for all parties involved. Please highlight the sentence below and click reply to send if you agree. I, hereby agree with the above statement and wish to "virtually" sign by submitting an e-mail request and I agree to have my name published with the above statement. Thanks very much for your time! The statement with the over 1000 signatures we have gathered from faculty, administration and students will be printed in the D early next term and sent on to Congress. If you are not registered to vote but ARE a US citizen you may still sign just type "non-voter" when you send your e-mail so we do not include your name on the document sent to Congress. Sincerely, Michele Nudelman '05 DIPAC President perma link |
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