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1/04/2003 04:22:00 PM | Brad Plumer North Korea... "But for all its belligerence, the Bush administration seems willing to confront only regimes that are militarily weak." What's wrong, in theory, with this strategy? I don't understand why countless liberal columnists want a more macho Bush who will take on nuclear powers and maximize US casualties. Also interesting that Krugman lauds Clinton's plans for a military invasion. Odds are, if Bush sent more troops to the region, Krugman would be crying and screaming about the warmongerers on the Potomac. But regardless, I think Bush is right to hold back. Conventional warfare against a (potential) nuclear power would be reckless and suicidal. I'd rather our president worry about the safety of his armed forces than the status of his masculinity as perceived by Krugman and co. So war against North Korea is out. Right now the best option, to me, seems to be the one endorsed by Ted Galen Carpenter and Charles Krauthammer: the US should threaten to encourage Japan and South Korea to go nuclear. In the best case scenario, China gets blackmailed into putting political pressure on North Korea, and the problem gets resolved diplomatically. At worst, Japan and South Korea have the ability to deter North Korea, and the US moves out of the region. America loses a good deal of influence in the Far East, but that seems preferable to overextending herself and sweating bullets every time Dear Leader bares his teeth. perma link |
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