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1/01/2003 08:21:00 PM | Timothy Is eating the flesh of babies art? C4 to show artist eating dead baby Jamie Wilson Monday December 30, 2002 The Guardian Channel 4 was yesterday back in the dock over plans to broadcast a programme showing a performance artist eating the flesh of a dead baby. The documentary, Beijing Swings, which looks at the extreme practices of some artists in China, also shows a man drinking wine that has had an amputated penis marinaded in it. The programme, which has been condemned by the Chinese embassy in London, will be broadcast on Thursday night. A spokesman for Channel 4 said last night: "The programme will be controversial and will shock some viewers but a warning will be given before it goes out on air." The documentary shows stills of Zhu Yu, the artist, biting into the body of a stillborn infant. He says: "No religion forbids cannibalism. Nor can I find any law which prevents us from eating people. I took advantage of the space between morality and the law and based my work on it." Zhu, who is a Christian, says religion has had a major impact on his work. But the Tory MP Ann Widdecombe, said: "Jesus Christ said suffer the little ones to come unto me, not that they should be eaten for public entertainment. This programme sounds hideous." So should Channel 4 in Britain broacast this? Are their actions different from the 'artist' who ate the stillborn baby flesh? perma link |
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