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12/21/2002 03:22:00 AM | Brad Plumer Why can't this debate... just... die... Hehehe... I think you hit the problem on the head. Ideally, workers should be able to strike and get what they want. Practically, what does that mean, and what does it mean to allow them to shut down the city in order to get it? I did mention teachers in an earlier post... like I mentioned, it appears to me that teachers unions have been detrimental to the quality of teaching. I received a reprimand for thinking this, but I wouldn't mind seeing what other people would argue. As for replacing workers... tough to say. If you were going to stand purely by Mr. Alessandroni's notion of justice and fairness, I think you could easily argue in support of worker replacement. The prospective replacement workers ae presumably jobless, and are perfectly willing to work in an available situation that other people (the strikers) disdain. Isn't it fair to give them the jobs? After all, why should they be unemployed when they will happily work in a particular situation? Why should the replacement workers suffer and get stepped on? That doesn't seem fair, does it? Of course, personally I think the doctrine notion of fairness has a lot of problems and leads to paradoxes like the one above. But now I've confused myself (as usual) and can't really think of an argument against replacement workers. Figures. I was fighting off Mr. Alessandroni before and now I've completely succumbed to his point of view. It's official: working on linguistics for 14 hours a day during vacation does not improve my already flaccid political thinking. Oh well... Think I'll call it a night. perma link |
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