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12/21/2002 08:13:00 PM | Jared Alessandroni St. Bush Bush's campaign was no stranger to the bigotry and nastiness he was happy to express indirectly during his reign in Texas where he was known to use the Death Penalty as non-white population control. In terms of the election, here is what I was talking about more nicely enumerated than I have time to do, but in general, don't you remember Tom Jones U, or how happily the boy passed off things such as those mentioned above? His treatment of my own country has been nothing far from disgusting, using Drug-War money to convince our civil-war-ridden country to suspend its own civil liberties. And, Tim, how can you ignore the blatant violations of civil-liberties recent immigrants and foreigners are feeling post-9/11? I was just talking to someone in database stuff at Dartmouth, and they have to create a whole super-student-management system for foreign students now, so that if they dare get below some grade, the government can now within hours and be ready to escort the student home so they don't terrorize or whatever. As for Bush's romance with Vicente - that's the bio I remember, sure you can find one in English - all I can say is that he's probably a nice guy, but he's Mexican like I'm Colombian, and while Bush likes to have an ally who went to Harvard and seeks to stimulate business - or in English, cheap labor - this does not nullify his many coincidental brushese with bigotry. So, yes, it is a wonder - I mean, at least in that I'm wondering which selfish road Bush is really taking - about this agreement. perma link |
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