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12/19/2002 09:33:00 PM | Brad Plumer Re: Transit Strike Mr. Alessandroni, you wrote: "If a law is not just, should we blindly support it? That's a precedent that's far more dangerous, and lately, it seems to have taken a firm hold on our country." I still have a hard time understanding why this is a more dangerous precedent than overturning laws whenever we feel like it. No doubt Kenneth Lay thought that certain laws were unjust and stood in his way. Would you support him too? In his quest for world domination he was getting stepped on, ya know! I think shutting down the city is a far more serious affair than interfering with Christmas shopping. What about ambulances that can't get through because the streets are clogged? What about social services that have to shut down for a few days... a week? What about businesses that take a major hit and have to restructure, laying off workers? What about when the city's revenue takes a major hit and the mayor starts slashing even more social programs? Seems to me that, however unjust, the Taylor Law is there for a reason. If public worker unions are free to hold the city hostage, odds are, they will. Like Mr. Eisenman said, employers need protection too. Look, I don't think that the MTA workers should toil in misery for the rest of their life. But I'm trying to find out what other avenues exist. I'm not hankering for a revolution and skirting existing laws seems to me like a last resort only. And as for your statement "why should THEY suffer?"... I dunno, lots of people have suffered because of September 11th. Why should certain people lose their jobs? Why did certain people have to die in the attacks? Why are certain people in New York homeless? What are you asking me anyways? perma link |
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