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12/21/2002 03:16:00 AM | Timothy re: The "racist" South Yes, Mississippi has come a long way. It was at, say, the 8th circle of hell, and now it's climbed up to... well, I haven't read Dante recently.... In response to Brad, the whole South doesn't need to be racist, just significant voting blocs. Even 10% or 20% of the people in a state can have a huge effect on the political culture of a state, especially if the rest of the population isn't willing to vote against politicians for pandering to crypto-racists. And those voting blocs have shifted to the Republicans, who still use racially coded appeals. Geez, Brad, I'm aiming to smear the Republicans, not the South! heh. But there are obviously major racist problems down there (not to say the North is like the Virgin Mary). I suppose I'm not from the South, and don't have stats to back this up, but for now, I'm not terribly comforted by states that elect Lott, Thurmond, Helms and Sessions. Aside from that though, a lot of these states have confederate emblems on their flags (many of them added only during school desegregation). There are people whose battle isn't just 1948: it's 1860! But the evidence is in Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy: he knew exactly what he was doing in trying to pull racist whites away from the Democrats. One tact against the line that the South is racist is to say they just don't like liberals who care only about Blacks and pander to them. Hmm. Clinton, through his use of welfare reform, tried apparently to 'neutralize' the issue of issue of race. A lot of people didn't think Clinton had the best record on race, though. But that's another debate, an interesting one, but I don't think it is at the same Lott-like level. I only bring this up to say I wouldn't call this the Clinton line on race, despite his recent comments. perma link |
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