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12/17/2002 02:34:00 AM | Brad Plumer Re: Is Lott the same as Byrd? Well... let's not forget that the Grand Kleegle Robert "Sheets" Byrd is third in line for president at the moment... Anyways, Lott is boring. If we're talking about race, why not talk about the upcoming Supreme Court case on affirmative action? Personally, I have the legal background of a fruit fly, so if anyone can supply that aspect of the debate, I'll send you a lock of my hair in gratitude. Seriously, though, I've read what the high kulterkritikers (Chien Wen, John Stevenson, et. al.) mutter about "diversity" and the like. Not much from the progressive corner though (maybe I hang out in the wrong corners?). So what gives? Does racial diversity equal intellectual diversity? Does affirmative action accomplish either of these? Does it push the light of liberalism a little further against Lott and the forces of darkness? Oh, and after all that I'm not actually going to post anything now. Lots of work (er... haven't *quite* finished up fall term yet) and little sleep make for corny jokes and not much "substance." So I'll post/respond tomorrow morn, crack of dawn. (ie: i'm secretly hoping that someone whose brain moves at a more rapid and coherent rate might kick off this debate.) edit: techie question. how come sometimes when i look at this thing there are no spaces between paragraphs, and sometimes there are? i added that "br" tag of pure nift, so my posts might look massively spacey. might say the same of my thoughts... :( uh oh, making frowny-faces. should had logged out. perma link |
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