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12/22/2002 04:23:00 AM | Brad Plumer Lord of the Rings Just saw Lord of the Rings tonight. I don't know what to say... honestly one of the most disgusting, politically incorrect pieces of right wing propaganda I have ever seen. Here's a list of some of the outrages (don't worry, I won't spoil anything major): 1) As the White Wizard Gandalf suddenly has "newfound" power. Hm, interesting. Also couldn't help but notice that all the good guy Elves have blond hair and blue eyes, while the Orcs are all of a darker hue. Wow, I just can't wait for the master race to "save" the world in the third installment, all led by their charismatic leader Aragon! Or should I say... Adolf. Hm? 2) I counted several times in the movie where male characters were in a position to hug each other, and then backed off. Can't have homoerotic feelings standing in the way of that masculine urge to go to war, now can we? 3) The female elf (Liv Tyler) has to choose between remaining immortal and living a mortal life with her love. Needless to say, her father, ruler of Elfdom, is decidedly "pro-life" rather than "pro-choice" on the matter. REAL subtle. 4) Gimli, the Dwarf, becomes comic relief in this sequel. Moral: short people are funny. 5) A certain "drug addict" in the movie continues to have troubles, even after his friends stage an intervention. Moral: drug users are beyond saving, and deserve death. 6) At one point a certain king refuses advice from a friend. Oh, I get it. We wouldn't kids getting ideas about the DEMOCRATIC PROCESS, now would we? I for one was mortified. ;) EDIT: Mr. Allesandroni, I'll definitely reply to your education question when I get a chance. I was hoping to quietly sidestep talking about educational philosophies... hehe. But I *suppose* I should start using my brain eventually... :) perma link |
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