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12/28/2002 06:57:00 PM | Jared Alessandroni Awww I didn't say that big churches were particulary intolerant, I just meant to respond to the argument that churches shouldn't be chastized for not hiring minorities. Obviously, they shouldn't be held to standards of ultimate religious tolerance when choosing their ministers, but, and this was my only point, when you have a staff of that many people, you should be held accountable. I come from a church and a state with a gay bishop, and almost systematic tolerance, though I know for a fact that even in my church, this is distinctly not the policy in many other parts of the country. I have, I should add, no doubt that most churches strive to help those in need. In fact, of one of the churches that I think is most pathetically backwards and yet accepted, the Catholic one, the only hope of justification for its existence is Catholic Charities, one of the most prolific aid organizations in the world. Of course, we'll note that when they go into Southeast Asia and try to combat AIDS and population explosion, they don't bring condoms for the ride. They also don't make too much effort to help gay people. Anyone in the global AIDS fight will tell you how utterly inane this policy (which we'll note our asshole president is following exactly himself - in a recent World AIDS conference, the US fucking delegation fought bitterly to reduce condom distribution and aother forms of birth control, which is just painfully stupid) is in terms of solving problems. This is just a small example of how morality or the presumption of it can interfere with charity. What happens if we let those with the most presumption of said morality control more than half of the US' social welfare money? And, I strongly believe that Bush doesn't have any good motivations in this - as his policy on foreign and domestic aid has been inexplicably barren, even by Republican standards. If he were motivated to help, he wouldn't constantly stymie other nations and international aid organizations when they are actually doing just that. perma link |
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